Chadron Middle School

551 East 6th Street
Chadron, Nebraska 69337
(308) 432-0708
(308) 432-0720

Daily School Schedule

Regular Dismissal

8:00AM - 3:18PM

1:30 Dismissal

8:00AM - 1:30PM

Valentine Boys Basketball Tournament on 1/28 Cancelled

Due to the weather forecast, the 7th and 8th-grade boys basketball tournament in Valentine tomorrow (1/28) has been cancelled. The tournament will not be made up.

Red Ribbon Week: October 10th - October 14th

The CMS Student Council decided to celebrate Red Ribbon Week in conjunction with CHS Homecoming during the week of October 10th. Below is a list of the approved dress-up days. Please contact the CMS office if you have any questions.

CMS Fall Assessments

Chadron Middle School's fall assessment schedule starts next Tuesday, August 30th, with the NSCAS (Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System) test. This is the first year Chadron Middle School will fully participate in the new NSCAS growth model, which means 5th-8th grade students will take a benchmark assessment in math and English in the fall, progress monitoring assessments in the winter, and end with the regular summative assessments in math, English, and science in the spring.

Chadron Middle School Picture Day - Thursday, September 8th

 Order pictures on using the CMS Picture Day ID: EVTKXVNPF

August 18th - First Day of School - Please Read

August 18th is the first day of school, and we can't wait to see our students! Classes begin at 8:00, and students will be let into the building at 7:45 to get their schedules and grab breakfast before heading to class. We will run a 1:30 dismissal schedule on Thursday and Friday this week.

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. CMS will participate by offering activities organized by the Hope Squad beginning on Monday, May 2nd through Friday, May 13th.

21st Century Grant Awarded to Chadron Middle School and Chadron Primary School

Earlier this week, the NE Department of Education released the names of schools that were awarded NE 21st Century Community Learning Centers Continuation grants. We were excited to learn that Chadron Middle and Primary Schools were approved for $100,000 per year. The continuation grants are on a 5-year grant cycle and fund our After School Programs.

CMS Students compete at State National History Day

The state NHD contest was held Saturday, April 9, at Nebraska Wesleyan University. Chadron Middle School had 2 students who placed at the state contest. Matthew Sorenson and Samuel Kahl place 2nd in the group website category. The name of their project is: Debate and Diplomacy in the Cuban Missile Crisis. They will compete in the national contest in June. In addition, Josephine Werner also won the Schwalb Center for Israel & Jewish Studies. The title of her project is: The Use of Animation as Propaganda in WWII.

CMS Spring Testing Schedule

It's springtime, which means CMS is gearing up to begin NSCAS (Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System) and MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) assessments. Students take these assessments every spring, and the results are used as a standardized measure for academic growth, and to meet accountability requirements.

9 CMS Students Qualify for State NHD!

National History Day is an educational program devoted to the learning of history. Last fall, students chose a topic related to the annual theme (“Debate and Diplomacy”). After analyzing and drawing conclusions about their topic's significance in history, they presented their work in an original project. The district contest was held on February 25th at Chadron State College. Chadron Middle School had 9 students who placed at the district contest and qualified for the state contest in Lincoln on April 9, 2022.

Community Art Show - Saturday 1/23 and Sunday 1/24

Help us celebrate the James Webb Telescope at the "Unfold the Universe Community Art Show" on Saturday, 1/23/22, from 10am-4pm, and Sunday 1/24/22, from 1-4pm at the Chadron Community Arts Center 371 King Street. Come see the visual art created by our community and Kindergarten-8th Grade art students.

PPHD - At-Home COVID Positive Test Survey

Did you test positive with an at-home COVID test and did not receive a text from PPHD? Do you need guidance on what to do next? Please take a brief survey from PPHD by clicking

CMS Caring for Sharing Food Drive

The annual CMS Caring for Sharing food drive begins today & ends on December 15th! Student are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to school for the food drive. CMS Student Council will deliver the collected food items to the NCAP food pantry. Prizes will be awarded to the grades that collect the most food.

Extended Spring Break for Students - No School on March 9th

Chadron Public Schools will extend the scheduled spring break by cancelling classes for all K-12 students on Wednesday, March 9th (originally a scheduled 1:30 dismissal day). Chadron Public Schools will instead provide a full day staff inservice training to host Dr. Melissa Sadin to train staff in the area of trauma informed schools.

Covid and Flu Vaccines Clinic Nov. 15th at CHS

On November 15, 2021 there will be a CoVid and Flu shot clinic at Chadron High School. This will be in the high school library beginning at 5:00pm, with an end time of 7:00pm. This clinic is for ages 5 and up.
A parent or guardian must be present. Please enter the school through the main entrance, by the high school office. WNC will be providing this clinic.

Health ScreeningWednesday November

Health Screening
Wednesday November 3, 2021
All screenings will take place in 1st floor rooms on the west side of the building. Screenings will include:
Height/WeightVisionHearing Dental 
