Chadron Middle School
551 East 6th StreetChadron, Nebraska 69337
(308) 432-0708
(308) 432-0720
Daily School Schedule
Regular Dismissal
8:00AM - 3:18PM
1:30 Dismissal
8:00AM - 1:30PM
NO ASP Week of March 10, 2025
There is no after-school program during the week of March 10th due to CSC Spring Break.
Open School Board Seat
Chadron Public Schools is accepting applications for a vacated seat. As an individual interested in appointment to the Board of Education, you need to know that the position requires considerable time in preparation for meetings and study of information and issues. Unless otherwise announced, the board routinely meets on the second Wednesday of every month. In addition, special sessions, monthly committee meetings, and in-service meetings need to be attended. Public interviews will be conducted during the regular Personnel meeting on December 11, 2024, at Noon.
CPS Recognized for School Safety Efforts
Chadron Public Schools received notice this week that it has been recognized with a Diamond Badge Certification in Nebraska School Safety and Security. This is the highest level of recognition for schools meeting the Nebraska Department of Education's safety and security standards in keeping a school community safe and secure.
(NDE Informational News Release)
August 9, 2024
Nebraska School Districts “Place School Safety First”
CSC Football Youth Night
CSC is excited to extend a special invitation to students and their families for an exciting football game between Chadron State College (CSC) and the University of Nebraska-Kearney (UNK) next Thursday, August 29th, at 6:00 PM during our Chadron State College Athletics Community Youth Day Presented by Monument Health.
CSC is offering a special discount to local public schools. Use the code YOUTHCSC to receive $5 off each ticket purchased.
Game Details:
Hope Squad T-Shirt
You can support your Chadron Middle School Hope Squad by purchasing a student-designed T-shirt. 8th-grade student Samson Sprague, a 4-year Hope Squad member, designed the shirt to share a message of hope. T-shirts can be purchased for $15 until April 21st. You can choose to have them directly shipped to your address or pick them up at Outlaw Printers in Chadron on April 30th!
City Transit Drivers Wanted
The city transit program has exploded—a great thing! We need to keep up with the demands of our community. Being a transit driver is a fun and interesting job. Never a dull moment and a great way to make a little extra spending money.
$13.87 hour
Shifts (TBD)
Reserve (fill in)
NDE Parent Survey
We are committed to providing your child with the best possible educational experiences at the Nebraska Department of Education. As part of our assessment process, students in grades 3-8 take statewide assessments in the content areas of English language arts, mathematics, and science each year. Following the assessments, you receive an individual student report detailing your child’s performance from your child’s school. Your feedback is essential in helping us enhance the information provided in these reports to better support your child’s academic journey.
Online Tutoring
Nebraska SMART is a free virtual tutoring program for students in grades K-12. Teacher education candidates from Chadron State, Peru State, and Wayne State Colleges remotely tutor students in Educational Service Units 1, 4, and 13 through an online tutoring platform. This program is made possible by a Nebraska Department of Education grant awarded to the Nebraska State College System to launch a rural tutoring program.