Chadron Middle School
551 East 6th StreetChadron, Nebraska 69337
(308) 432-0708
(308) 432-0720
Daily School Schedule
Regular Dismissal
8:00AM - 3:18PM
1:30 Dismissal
8:00AM - 1:30PM
8th Graders Prepare for Transition to CHS
Each year, Chadron High School Counselor, Loni Watson, spends a day at Chadron Middle School talking transitions and schedules with CMS 8th graders. This is an important day for our 8th grade students for several reasons. First, it brings to light how close they are to moving on to high school. Second, for most of our students, it's their first introduction to Mrs. Watson and she is plays integral role in the academic and social-emotional lives our CHS students. Third, it's the first time they learn about high school credits, requirements and expectations.
Chadron Public Schools - Non-Student Days
From CPS Superintendent, Ginger Meyer
The Nebraska Department of Education is allowing us to give some needed breaks due to CoVid. We are planning no school for students January 22, February 16, and March 26. January 22 is our big wrestling meet that normally happens at the College. This year we cannot use the CSC gym because of CoVid. We would like to go ahead and have the meet. This would bring many to our school. We will use both gyms. February 16 will extend a break for students. March 26 is the Quiz Bowl at the Middle School, so this helps with capacity.
PPHD Safety Precautions for Winter Sports & Activities
November 30, 2020 For immediate release
For more information, contact: Kim Engel, Director, 308-760-2415, [email protected]
CMS Winter Sports Health Guidelines
Below are the Chadron Middle School Health Guidelines for winter sports. We are grateful to have the opportunity to host athletic events for our students. Please take special note of guideline numbers 3, 4, and 5. Thank you for your support in following the guidelines as we strive to keep our schools and community safe.
COVID Restrictions - Scottsbluff MS Wrestling Invite - November 7, 2020
CMS Wrestling Fans and Families,
COVID restrictions for the middle school wrestling invite in Scottsbluff on Saturday, November 7th are listed below. The meet will begin at 9 AM. Thank you for continued patience and understanding and schools work to keep our students, staff and communities safe.
Fans can access the tournament brackets and live stream here:
No Spectators at Gordon-Rushville MS Wrestling Invite - Meet will Be Live Streamed
CMS wrestling families and fans,
Due to capacity restrictions, no spectators will be allowed at the November 5th, 2020 Gordon-Rushville MS Wrestling Invite. The meet begins at 1:00 and will be live streamed for families and fans to enjoy at home. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as schools work to keep our students, staff and communities safe.
Student Health Screening & CAPWN Dental Screenings
Below is information regarding student health screenings for the 2020-21 school year. Please note that all 6th and 7th grade students will be screened for hearing, dental, vision, height and weight as required by the state of Nebraska. Students in other grades will receive CAPWN Dental screening ONLY IF permission slips were returned. Please contact the Chadron Middle School office at 432-0708 if you have any questions.
The Quarantine Rules - The Latest State Directed Health Measure
Here are the rules that we play by. Chadron Public Schools has been fortunate to avoid large quarantines already due to practicing the protocols approved by our public health district.
But, we'll say it again...
No matter your opinion on masks, health, science, politics, etc. ...wearing a face mask will prevent larger numbers of quarantines so we can keep students (and staff) in school and participating in activities. Thank you for your support!
Chadron Middle School Book Fair Information
Book Fair dates: Sept. 14, 2020 – Sept. 18, 2020
Shopping hours: Arranged with classroom teachers
Introducing Book Fair eWallet! Let your child shop the Fair cash-free with our NEW digital payment option. Learn more on our Book Fair homepage and get started creating an account:
Thermometer Distribution Program
September 9, 2020
To: Students, Parents, & Guardians
Re: Thermometers
Greetings Chadron Public Schools Parents, Patrons, and Students:
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Chadron Public Schools. Set apart for excellence, our students enjoy dynamic relationships and rigorous curriculum equipping them for the future and challenging them to be lifelong leaders. We believe that every student can learn and will grow when expectations are high and clear.
Do You Know the Standard Response Protocols?
Chadron Public Schools has been proud to work with the iloveuguys Foundation to provide clear, plain, standard responses to emergency events. The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) has undergone a couple of changes in the past year. One is the change from the term "Lockout" to "Secure". 'Lockout' was too similar in sound as 'Lockdown' so the term was switched to maintain a clear understanding of the difference. The other change is the addition of "Hold", which simply asks students and staff to remain in their rooms during class.