Chadron Middle School
551 East 6th StreetChadron, Nebraska 69337
(308) 432-0708
(308) 432-0720
Daily School Schedule
Regular Dismissal
8:00AM - 3:18PM
1:30 Dismissal
8:00AM - 1:30PM
Cardinal Football Health Guidelines
2020 Chadron HS/MS Football Health Guidelines
Admission: HS Adults $ 5.00 Students/Seniors $ 4.00
MS Adults $ 4.00 Students/Seniors $ 3.00
1. Any individual feeling ill or experiencing Covid 19 symptoms should not attend any contest.
2. We ask that Visiting teams use their protocols for transporting to the contest.
3. Hand sanitizer stations will be provided on all entrances to contests
4. Recommended 6 feet distancing between groups.
5. Mask or face coverings are strongly encouraged by spectators.
(Update) Notice from CPS Superintendent
From CPS Superintendent, Ginger Meyer: Today was an eventful day to say the least. Our staff and students have been affected by CoVid and quarantine. For full transparency we now have three high school and one middle school staff member who have tested positive. We have been commended over and over again that our school is doing great with our plan and procedures. They have not quarantined anyone for spread in our buildings.
Notice from CPS Superintendent
From Chadron Public Schools Superintendent, Ginger Meyer: We were made aware late yesterday afternoon that we have two more positive cases that have ties to our school community. CPS continues to work with PPHD for contact investigations.
As we know CoVid is in our community. We will be developing a communication for families called the Communications Dashboard. It will be located in CoVid button on the school website It will identify cases active and recovered that have implications for CPS. This Dashboard will serve as our press release going forward.
CMS Standard Operating Procedures
Below is a link to the CMS Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the 2020-21 school year as well as a video where Mr. Dressel goes through the document. Please contact Mr. Dressel at 432-0708 if you have any questions.
Chadron Public Schools 2020-21 Activity Prices and Fees
Chadron Public Schools
Activity Prices:
Varsity Admission: Adult $5.00
Junior Varsity Student $4.00
Freshman Senior Citizen $4.00
Middle School Admission:
Adult $4.00
Student $3.00
Senior Citizen $3.00
(excludes tournaments)
Activity Passes:
High School $30.00
Middle School $30.00
Elementary $15.00
CPS At-Home Learning Program - FAQs
With the new CPS At-Home Learning Program, we want to provide an opportunity to address some frequently asked questions (FAQs).
1) How do I register my student for the CPS At-Home Learning Program?
Go to and click on the CPS At-Home Learning tab.
CPS At Home Learning Program
Chadron Public Schools will provide students and families an in-home learning option through the CPS At-Home Learning Program.
First day of School Moved to Monday, August 17th
We'll give two extra days summer! :-)
With the many changes to the procedures of school due to COVID-19 concerns, Chadron Public schools will spend two extra days with teachers for training and preparations before students arrive. Pending School Board approval at the next regular meeting, the first day of school for students will be moved to August 17th. No announcement has been made whether it'll be a full-day or 1:30 dismissal.
Notice of COVID-19 Diagnosis
(From The Panhandle Public Health District
5th Grade and New Student Tours & Other Back-To-School Information
During the week of August 3rd-7th, 5th grade students and new students can schedule time to tour the middle school building. To set up a tour, please contact the CMS office at 432-0708. Parents are welcomed to join the tour, but no more than 3 family members (including the student) can be in a group. Also, masks will be required during tours without exception.
Aug. 10-12 will be unavailable during the day due to staff trainings throughout the district.
ONLINE Fine Arts Summer Classes Opportunity
Summer ONLINE offerings for school-age students and adult learners from Calibraska Arts Initiative! Over fifty classes in the arts including: Animation, Film, Comedy, Acting, Music, Dance, Creative Writing and more! These unique classes run from June 15 – July 31 and are taught by teaching artists (professionals in their field) across the United States. Scholarships with 25%, 50%, and 100% discounts are available as well as material kits.
May 18, 2020 - Cardinal Cast (Middle School Edition
In the last installment of Cardinal Cast (Middle School Edition) for the 2019-20 school year, Mr. Dressel talks about wrapping up the school year. Topics include: Percent of student who have completed all remote learning requirements, encouragement for students who still have some work to finish, returning school materials, report cards and where information about next year will be posted (we don't have any information right now).
Welcome to 5th Grade Video
Click on the link below to view the welcome to CMS video that the 5th grade teachers made for our incoming 5th grade students. In addition, Mr. Dressel has scheduled Zoom meetings with Mrs. Grant's, Mrs. Motz's, Mrs. Garcia's and Mrs. Carrick's classes later this week.
Welcome to 5th Grade! We can't wait to meet you all!