Chadron Middle School
551 East 6th StreetChadron, Nebraska 69337
(308) 432-0708
(308) 432-0720
Daily School Schedule
Regular Dismissal
8:00AM - 3:18PM
1:30 Dismissal
8:00AM - 1:30PM
What's Happening at CMS
Below is a list of events at CMS for the weeks of November 4th - November 16th.
11/7 - 7th grade field trip to Water Treatment Plant (during science class periods)
11/7 - Wrestling @ Gordon Invite - 1:00 PM Start
11/8 - 1:30 Dismissal
11/9 - Wrestling @ Valentine - 10:00 AM CTZ Start
11/10-11/13 - AdvancED External Review Team in district
11/11 - Veterans' Day Program - 10:15 AM in the HS Auditorium
Wrestling and Girls' Basketball Schedule
7th Grade Girls BasketballNov. 14 Alliance Away 4:00 pm Nov. 21 Scottsbluff Away 4:00 pm Nov. 23 Chadron Trny Home 9:00 amNov. 25 Gordon/Rush. Home 4:30 pm Dec. 03 Hot Springs Home 4:30 pmDec. 10 Gering Home 4:00 pmDec. 12 Alliance @HS Home 4:00 pm
Coach: Libby Uhing
Middle School Lunch Survey (FOR CMS STUDENTS ONLY)
Creative Dining, the company that we contract for our school food services, put together a survey that they would like Chadron Middle School students to take. This is your opportunity to provide constructive feed back to Creative Dining. It is important that you take this survey seriously so that they listen to what you have to say.
What's Happening at CMS
10/21 - 10/24: Wrap up NWEA MAPS Testing - Make ups completed by end of the day on Thursday.
10/22: CMS After-School Program field trip to pumpkin patch in Hay Springs.
10/24: CMS Wrestling Meeting after school in Mr. Wollesen's room ***CHANGE IN DATE
10/22: Dream Team Meeting at 5:30 at Central Office
10/25: NO SCHOOL
10/26: 8th grade football @ Mitchell (Last game of the year)
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon week is October 21st - October 25th. This year, as in years past, Chadron Middle School will celebrate by allowing students to "dress-up" on Monday-Thursday. Please note that the student dress code still applies, so students need to wear shoes and must dress modestly (according to the dress code).
The themes for this year's dress-up days are as follows:Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Twin Day
End of 1st Quarter Awards
Chadron Middle School celebrated the end of the first quarter with an assembly on Friday afternoon. Students were awarded Perfect Attendance awards and Cardinal Effort awards. To earn Perfect Attendance, students had to maintain an unblemished attendance record for the entire quarter (no absences or tardies). Cardinal Effort awards are given to two students from each class that demonstrated excellent effort throughout the quarter. Teachers from each grade level select the Cardinal Effort recipients.
It was a great 1st quarter!
8th Grade Football vs. Hot Springs Cancelled
Do to a lack of numbers on the Hot Springs team, the 8th grade football game that was scheduled to be played on Saturday, October 11th has been cancelled. The 7th grade football game will be played as scheduled.
The next 8th grade football game will be on Saturday, October 19th at 10:30 vs. Gordon/Rushville at the CHS field.
End of 1st Quarter
It is really hard to believe, but the 1st Quarter ends on Friday, October 11th. We have had a tremendous first quarter and our students have worked really hard to meet our expectations of being Safe, Responsible, Respectful, and Doing Their Best. The last Friday School list on September 27th, was the smallest that we have ever seen, so I want to commend our students for their excellent effort!
Save The Date - Jump Rope for Heart
Join us in celebrating the 35th anniversary of Jump Rope for Heart by encouraging your child to participate in the CPS Jump Rope for Heart event on October 23rd @ 4 PM in the CSC NPAC arena. Visit to sign up today.
Fall MAPs Testing Schedule for Chadron Middle School
It's nearly October and that means that it's time for the fall Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments. The purpose of taking MAP assessments in the fall is to get benchmark scores for our students in the areas of math, science, reading, and language arts. When students take MAPs again in the spring, the benchmark scores allows us to measure academic growth of the course of the school year.
5th Grade Fun Night!
Chadron Middle School held its annual 5th grade fun night on 9/20 in the CMS gym. Students played games and completed a scavenger hunt that is designed to help them become more familiar with the middle school and our teachers.
Thank you to Mrs. Kaus and the CMS Student Council for organizing and hosting the event. The students had a great time!
Opening Relay Race
CMS Book Fair
The Middle School Scholastic Book Fair will be held during parent-teacher conferences on September 19th. The books will be set up on the stage in the Middle School Gym. There is a great selection of books for Middle School and High School students, as well as parents. Come and check out the Book Fair. Profits earned go toward new books for the Middle School Library.
CMS Parent-Teacher Conferences
Dear Parents/Guardians: