Chadron Middle School

551 East 6th Street
Chadron, Nebraska 69337
(308) 432-0708
(308) 432-0720

Daily School Schedule

Regular Dismissal

8:00AM - 3:18PM

1:30 Dismissal

8:00AM - 1:30PM

3rd Quarter CMS Perfect Attendance & Cardinal Effort Awards

The 3rd quarter ended on March 12th and CMS students that had perfect attendance and displayed outstanding effort were recognized at the end of the quarter assembly.  Congratulations to these students and to all of the students that worked hard during the 3rd quarter.

What's Happening at CMS - 3/10-3/21

March 12th - End of 3rd Quarter

March 13th-16th - NO SCHOOL - Spring Break

March 19th - NO SCHOOL - Teacher In-Service

March 18th - 3rd quarter report cards sent home with students

March 18th - Fundraising Meeting - 5:30 in CMS Library

March 19th - CMS Quiz Bowl at CMS - 8:00-3:00

March 21st - CMS Quiz Bowl @ Banner County

March 21st - CMS Lockdown Drill - 9:00 AM

Putt-A-Round Donates to CMS Playground Project

CMS Principal, Nick Dressel, receives donation from the ladies of Putt-A-Round
Pictured from Left: Michelle Haynes, Melissa Webster, Luanne Witt, Sheri Daniels,
Nick Dressel, Terri Haynes, Donna Brice and Tori Wild.

National History Day Regionals at CSC

On February 28th, over 80 students students from across the Panhandle submitted National History Day projects for judging at the regional NHD competition that was held at Chadron State College. Chadron Middle School had twenty-six students submit fifteen projects in the competition.

Nebraska Loves Public Schools Permission Form

Nebraska Loves Public Schools is a team of filmmakers on a mission to showcase positive stories from Nebraska’s public schools.  Nebraska Loves Public Schools is a campaign funded by the Sherwood Foundation.  The group was guided to Chadron Public School after they asked the Nebraska Department of Education to recommend some schools that do a good job with individualized learning.

What's Happening at CMS February 24th - March 7th

February 24th - March 7th - Penny Wars - Playground Fundraiser

February 224th - February 25th - Youth Volleyball sign ups at PAC from 5:30-7:00

February 25th - Student Health Screening

February 28th - 1:30 Dismissal

February 28th - National History Day @ CSC

February 28th - Last day to order yearbooks at discounted price ($20) goes up to $25 after March 1st

March 7th - 1:30 Dismissal

Parent Technology Survey


Please take a few minutes to fill out the Chadron Public Schools Technology Survey.  The results of this survey will be used to envision future technology enhancements for our school district.  Your name will be entered into a drawing for some great prizes after the survey is completed.  However, you may choose to complete the survey anonymously.

Thank you for the many ways that you support Chadron Public Schools.

CMS 8th Grader Wins Dawes County Spelling Bee

Congratulations to Teresa Gottwald for winning the Dawes County Spelling Bee, which took place at the Dawes County Courthouse on February 2nd, 2014.  By winning the county bee, Teresa qualified for the Midwest Spelling Bee, which will be held in Omaha, Nebraska on March 15th.

Congratulations to all of the students that competed at the Dawes County Bee and we look forward to the fun, academic competition again next year.

6th Grade Health Body Systems Projects

Mr. Rodriguez's 6th grade health class has been studying body systems.  Students were assigned a body system to research and asked to create a project that displayed their findings.  Some of the information that students were required to include on the project was the name of the body system, the system's function, the parts of the system, and any additional information related to the body system.  Below are few examples of the students' work.

Oxbow Vet Camp for 6th-8th Grade Students

Intermediate Vet Camp - For students completing 6th - 8th grades

Writing Contests

The Nebraska State Treasurer's Office and the Omaha Storm Chasers are sponsoring the 12th Annual Writing Contest for 7th and 8th grade students.  This year's topic is, "Why I Want to go to College." The deadline is for submission is March 28th.

NO SCHOOL on FEB. 17th

No School on Monday, February 17th for Teacher In-Service.

What's Happening at CMS (Feb. 10th-Feb. 21st)

Below is a list of events that are happening at CMS during the weeks of February 10th - February 21st.

Hoops for Heart

Last Thursday, January 30, students met in the library for an informational meeting to discuss Hoops for Heart. The event is very similar to Jump Rope for Heart only this time we focus on..... Basketball! 

Girls on the Run is So Much FUN!

(Submitted by Mrs. Rischling)

Washington DC Ink Jet Cartridge Recycling Fundraiser

The Washington DC kids group is still collecting small ink jet cartridges for recycling. You may drop these off at Bank of the West, Pump & Pantry or with Kristol Cummings.

2014 CMS National Geographic Bee

Congratulations to Zach C. and Kaylie E. for finishing in the top two of the school round of the National Geographic Bee.  Zach was the overall school champion and won the opportunity to take the written test that could qualify him for the state round.  Thank you to all of the students that competed in the CMS National Geographic Geography Bee.
