Chadron Middle School
551 East 6th StreetChadron, Nebraska 69337
(308) 432-0708
(308) 432-0720
Daily School Schedule
Regular Dismissal
8:00AM - 3:18PM
1:30 Dismissal
8:00AM - 1:30PM
Opportunities for Students to Turn in Late/Missing Work
Late and missing work is a topic that schools deal with on a daily basis and trying to find a balance between compassion and teaching personal responsibility can be difficult. I want to take a moment to list what Chadron Middle School is doing to provide our students with opportunities to turn in late and missing work for credit, while providing clear guidelines to help teach personal responsibility.
7th and 8th Grade National History Day Projects
National History Day projects were due today and the CMS library has turned into an archive of historical events and people. This year's theme is Leadership & Legacy in History and students could choose any historical event or figure that related to the theme. There some very impressive displays in the library and we are looking forward to seeing student websites and documentaries as well. Well done kids!
Noon Dismissal on January 23rd 2015
Chadron Public Schools will dismiss students at 12:00 on Friday, January 23rd for the Chadron Invite Wrestling Tournament. Below is the bell schedule that will be used at CMS.
24 Minute Class periods Period 1 - 8:00 – 8:24Period 2 - 8:27 – 8:51Period 3 - 8:54 – 9:18Period 4 - 9:21 – 9:45Period 7 -9:48 – 10:12Period 8 - 10:15 – 10:39Period 5 - 10:42 – 11:06 – 7th/8thLunchPeriod 6 - 11:09 – 11:33 – 5th/6th LunchPeriod 9 - 11:36 – 12:00
What's Happening at CMS (1/6-1/17)
Jan. 6th - 2nd Semester Begins
Jan. 6th - 7th/8th Grade Boy's Basketball Begins
Jan. 13th - CMS History Bee @ 3:30 in CMS library
Jan. 15th - 7th Boy's BB vs. Gering @ 4:00 in CMS Gym
Jan 15th - 8th Boy's BB @ Gering @ 4:00
Jan 17th - 7th & 8th Boy's BB vs. Valentine @ 11:00 - 7th in CMS Gym & 8th in HS Gym
Chadron State Ho HO Hoops Basketball Clinic
Chadron State College Basketball will host the Ho Ho Hoops Basketball Clinic for boys and girls in 3rd-8th grade on Monday, December 22nd and Tuesday, December 23rd. Registration forms can be picked up at the CMS office or by by clicking the the link below.
5th Grade Christmas Book Exchange
On December 18th, 47 5th grade students took part in a Christmas pizza party and book exchange in Mrs. Merkel's room during lunch. The party and book exchange was organized by Mrs. Merkel and Ms. Caskey. Students enjoyed pizza, cookies, and punch before selecting one of the wrapped books from under the tree.
CMS Food Drive Results
The totals from the Canned Food Drive are in! The winners were the 6th graders with 1,229 items brought in! Way to go!!! 2nd place goes to the 5th graders with 900 items; in 3rd place came the 8th graders with 665 items, and 4th place was the 7th graders with 223 items. Together, we brought in 3,017 items to donate to our local food pantries. Great job, Cardinals! Thank you for your support!
Instrumental and Vocal Winter Music Concert
The 6th-12th grade instrumental and vocal winter music concert will be held on December 18th in the Chadron High School Auditorium. The Instrumental concert will begin at 6 PM and it will be followed by the vocal music concert at 7:30. The students have been working hard to prepare the music for the concert and we are looking forward to hearing them perform!
CMS Student Wins NRD Poster Contest!
Chadron Middle School and the Upper Niobrara White National Resources District would like to congratulate Riley Ambrose for winning the 2014 NRD Poster Contest. The theme this year was, "Dig Deeper - Mysteries in the Soil." Riley won the 4th-6th grade division and his art work will go on to Lincoln for consideration for the state award. Congratulations, Riley and good luck at state!
UPDATE: Congratulations to Riley for winning the state NRD poster competition! Riley's poster will now move on to the national competition!
What's Happening at CMS (10/27-11/16)
10/27/14 - Wrestling practice begins
10/29/14 - Girls' Basketball practice begins
10/31/14 - Spirit Day (Wear Red and Black) - No Costumes Allowed at School
11/6/14 - Wrestling @ Gordon/Rushville - 1 PM
11/8/14 - Wrestling @ Valentine - 10 AM Central Time Zone
11/7/14 - 1:30 Dismissal
11/7/14 - 7th/8th Grade Dance - 6:30-8:30 PM CMS Gym
11/13/14 - 7th Girls' BB @ Alliance - 4 PM
CMS Scholastics Opens Season at Kimball
On October 17th, Chadron Middle School's 7th and 8th grade Scholastics Teams competed in the first quiz bowl of the season at Kimball. The 7th grade team opened the season with a 1st place finish and the 8th grade team finished in 5th place. Congratulations to both teams!