Chadron High School
901 Cedar StreetChadron, Nebraska 69337
(308) 432-0707
(308) 432-0723
Daily School Schedule
Regular Dismissal
7:50AM - 3:15PM
1:30 Dismissal
7:50AM - 1:30PM
Live Streaming Changes at CHS
We're excited to announce that we'll be able to live stream events from either gym and the football stadium. We are in the process of installing three permanently mounted Hudl cameras to provide viewing from those three locations. Any event, including middle school, JV or Varsity can then be programmed to show on the live stream at: https://www.team1sports.com/highschool/ne/?S=chadron which is also linked above on this blog and will be shared on the Chadron High School social media accounts.
Picture Day for CHS - Sept. 7th
Visit Lifetouch.com to order pictures online prior to the Sep. 7th picture day.
Summer Upgrades to CHS!
We're very excited to reveal several summer upgrades to the Chadron High School facilities. The summer projects include paining the gym, remodeling the boys locker room, and adding new heating and air conditioning units to the halls and classrooms on the East side of the building.
There's still work to do to enhance our facility this fall which will include adding murals and/or banners in the gym, installing fixed cameras for streaming sporting events, and expanding the HVAC install during the next two years so that all of our classrooms have updated heating and AC units.
Last Day of School Schedule - May 19th
Last Day Schedule - Student Check-Out
11:30 Dismissal
(Class sponsors will hand out student check-out sheets in the Commons at 7:50am)
Block 1 7:55 - 8:45
1A 7:55-8:20
1B 8:20-8:45
Block 2 8:50 - 9:30
Block 3 9:35 - 10:25
Block 4 10:30 - 11:30
4A 10:30-10:55
4B 10:55-11:30
FBLA Competes at State
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) State Leadership Conference (SLC) is a great opportunity for high school students to participate in a competitive events program among some of the best students in the state. SLC also includes state officer elections and a series of informative leadership workshops for FBLA students and advisers. This year Chadron took 9 members to Kearney to compete and participate in the State Leadership Conference. Students were accompanied by advisor Renae Noble.
Nebraska Native Youth Gathering - Virtual Conference April 20th
We invite all of our Native American students to join in this year's Nebraska Native Youth Gathering leadership conference on April 20th.
Students interested in joining need to let Mr. Mack know so we can get them registered and excused from classes for the day. The conference will be held virtually, meaning students will use their chromebook to participate in the sessions. Like last year, we will utilize a classroom or the library for students for the day.
April 6th - 'It's A Big Deal Day'
Welcome to the CHS 2022 'It's A Big Deal Day' our annual day of testing!
Seniors will spend the morning in the Auditorium with guest speakers from the community to listen and discuss a variety of transitional topics. Meanwhile, all 9th, 10th and 11th grade students will be testing in assigned classrooms throughout the school.
Freshman - Will complete all annual NWEA/MAP tests
Sophomores - Will complete a practice ACT
Juniors - Will complete the state required ACT test (free)
Summer Drivers Education in Chadron
Chadron Drivers Education - June 13-17, 2022
The Nebraska Safety Center is holding a driver education class in Chadron. Attached is the brochure of class information. Students can register for classes at unk.edu/dred.
CHS Students Qualify for State National History Day
National History Day is an educational program devoted to the learning of history. Last fall, students chose a topic related to the annual theme (“Debate and Diplomacy”). After analyzing and drawing conclusions about their topics’ significance in history, they presented their work in an original project. The district contest was held February 25th at Chadron State College. Chadron high school had 3 students who placed at the district contest and qualified for the state contest in Lincoln on April 9, 2022.
1st Place Historical Paper: Maralee Rischling
FCCLA Members Compete at District STAR Events
Hemingford, Nebraska - Three students from Chadron High School recently participated in the Nebraska Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America District 12 STAR Event Competition. This annual event was held at St. Bridget’s Catholic Parish Center and featured over 35 competitors from the area.