Chadron High School

901 Cedar Street
Chadron, Nebraska 69337
(308) 432-0707
(308) 432-0723

Daily School Schedule

Regular Dismissal

7:50AM - 3:15PM

1:30 Dismissal

7:50AM - 1:30PM

Chadron High School Sponsorship Packages Available Now!

Contact Chadron High School AD, Rick Barry for information on how your business can support the Cardinals!   Several levels of sponsorship are available including:

  • 8’x13’ Digital Board in Gym
    • Video Commercial - pre/in game availability

    • Video Ad - during timeouts

    • Video Logo - home team made 3-pointers

FFA Had An Outstanding Day At Contest!


FFA had an OUTSTANDING Performance yesterday.

  • District Champions in Welding

    • Ember Diers-individual champion

    • Luke Smith-individual champion

    • Parker Fisher 2nd 

    • Gabe Tidyman 3rd

No School - Winter Break Dec. 22 - Jan. 3

There will be No School December 22nd through January 3rd for students at Chadron Public Schools. Teachers return on Jan. 3rd for Inservice Training, students will return on Jan. 4th for the start of second semester.
We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!Have a great break!

No School - Wednesday, Dec. 13th

Due to the blizzard warning and forecasted weather, Chadron Public Schools will have no school on Wednesday, Dec. 13th.
As always, when there is an announced 'No School' day, all activity practices and events along with any community activities housed on campus are also cancelled.

CHS Takes 2nd in Division II of Scholastic Day Contest!

Results of the 2022 CSC Scholastic Day Contest

Calendar Change: March 8th Staff Training, No School for Students

At the November Board of Education meeting. March 8, 2023 was officially changed to No School for students so that district staff can have the opportunity to attend a training.   

Sign Up For The High School Remind Text Messaging

 Have you been out of 'the know' of the recent early dismissal or late start due to weather events?  If so, make sure to sign up for the High School text messaging Remind account.  Simply open your text messaging app and text "@chsnote" to the number 81010.

CHS Significantly Reduces Chronic Absences 1st Quarter


We were excited to review attendance data from the first quarter of this year to discover the significant decrease in chronic absences when comparing to this time last year.  

Chadron FFA Team Paces 4th In Nation!

Gabe Tidyman, Jace Lien, Parker Fisher, Duane Trent
The Chadron FFA Ag Mechanics Team finished 4th in the Nation at the National FFA Convention held in Indianapolis on Oct. 25-28th.  Individual placings included:

CHS Girls XC Finishes 4th at State


Congratulations to our Girls Cross Country Team for finishing 4th at the 2022 NSAA State Championships in Kearney on October 21st.
Individual Placers:

CHS Seniors Participate in Apply2College Campaign


Seniors at CHS took a critical step in the college preparation process when they participated in a college application event on Friday October 21st with Mrs. Watson during a Senior Seminar Day at the school.

CHS Homecoming Week - Oct. 10-14

From the CHS Student Council:

On Monday, Oct. 11th we have no school, but the annual Burning of the C will be held at 6 P.M. in the Primary School parking lot with the jersey auction to follow in the high school gym.

Schedule FAFSA Appointments Now




EducationQuest Foundation, a free non-profit organization is available to help you complete and file your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 

DATE:  Oct. 17th & 18th 2022

An appointment is needed, so call EducationQuest at 308-234-6310.

Parent/Teacher Conferences & Financial Aid Program - Thursday, Sept. 15th

High School Parent/Teacher Conferences are Thursday, September 15th from 5:00 - 8:30p in the High School Commons Area.  

Advice for College Bound Seniors from Mrs. Watson

 From CHS School Counselor, Loni Watson

CHS Picture Day - Wednesday, Sept. 7th

Visit to view the full site to order photos.
