Chadron High School

901 Cedar Street
Chadron, Nebraska 69337
(308) 432-0707
(308) 432-0723

Daily School Schedule

Regular Dismissal

7:50AM - 3:15PM

1:30 Dismissal

7:50AM - 1:30PM

P/T Conferences - Feb. 10th 5:00-8:30p

 Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Thursday, Feb. 10th from 5:00-8:30 in the HS Commons.

Runway Recycle/Refashion Design

The new class at Chadron High, Fashion and Interior Design, has a new challenge - Runway Recycle/Refashion Design project putting used clothing into a new garment. Each group was given four random pieces of clothing and a mannequin to design on. Fashion assessments, new design sketches, deliberation meetings, work plans, and final construction of their new garment will all take place in a week. Final garments will be judged and on display for those interested in seeing the final projects.

Chadron FBLA Takes Runner-Up Trophy at CSC Contest

 Best of the West Business Competition

Chadron FBLA participated in the fifth annual Best of the West Business competition on January 26, 2022 at Chadron State College. Students participated in several business tests and job interviews. Chadron had 14 students attend the competition. In the team standings, Chadron finished as runner up to Alliance High School.  The individual results were:

  • Gracie Jones - 1st in Job Interview

College Admissions Informational Program - Jan 13th @ 6:00p

Please see the attached flyer, all ages are welcome to attend this event (this Thursday, Jan. 13th at 6:00 p.m. in the HS Auditorium.  Should be wonderful!  If you are part of the Transition to College program this will serve as the January event.

Second Semester Classes Begin Jan. 6th

We're excited to start the second semester on January 6th!

No School Due To Snow - Dec. 10th

 No School on Dec. 10th due to snow and the scheduled early out.

(Practices and other activities are also cancelled on No School days)

To sign up for the CHS Remind Texts including the No School announcements

Text to: 81010

Message: @chsnote

TWO Seniors Recipients of 4-Year QuestBridge Scholarships!

 Chadron High School is thrilled to announce that TWO seniors have received a full four-year scholarship through the QuestBridge National College Match.
Brendilou Armstrong and Amber Yellowhorse are among the 1,674 national recipients of this amazing full four-year Match Scholarship. The Match Scholarship is offered as part of a generous financial aid package provided by the college that covers the full cost of attendance, including tuition, room and board, books and supplies, and travel expenses.

The Standard Response Protocols Used for School Safety

After our recent use of 'Secure', I thought I'd provide a reminder of the six Standard Response Protocols used by CPS and most schools, colleges and many businesses internationally.  The SRP was developed by the iLoveUGuys Foundation

Extended Spring Break for Students - No School March 9th

Chadron Public Schools will extend the scheduled spring break by cancelling classes for all K-12 students on Wednesday, March 9th (originally a scheduled 1:30 dismissal day).  Chadron Public Schools will instead host a full day staff inservice training to host Dr. Melissa Sadin to train staff in the area of trauma informed schools.

One act play “Crimes at the Old Brewery” takes the stage Friday

On Friday November 12th and 7 PM the Chadron High School one act team will present their performance of their competition piece “Crimes at the Old Brewery” by Tim Kelly.

Covid and Flu Vaccines Clinic Nov. 15th at CHS

On November 15, 2021 there will be a CoVid and Flu shot clinic at Chadron High School. This will be in the high school library beginning at 5:00pm, with an end time of 7:00pm. This clinic is for ages 5 and up. A parent or guardian must be present. Please enter the school through the main entrance, by the high school office. WNC will be providing this clinic.

Scholarship Opportunities

 Dear Students and Parents, 

As a school counselor I know that many of you have concerns about how to make a college education more affordable. Through a new program called RaiseMe, students can guarantee scholarships from 250+ colleges as early as 9th grade, making it easier to plan financially for school. RaiseMe has proven to be a great tool to motivate students in high schools throughout the U.S.

Non-Public Special Education Meeting Notice

 Non-Public Special Education Meeting Notice

Annual Health Screenings Nov. 2-4

Our Health Screenings sponsored by the Chadron Lion's Club are next week -  K-4, 6-7, 10-11 will get all screenings.   5th, 8th, 9th and 12th that returned their dental sheets at the beginning of the year will receive dental services.   

Chadron High School will host the Health Screenings on the morning of Nov. 4th

12:00 Dismissal on Friday October 29th for Playoff Game

12:00 Dismissal on Friday October 29

Leila and Chayton Named Homecoming Queen and King!

Congratulations to our Homecoming royalty! 

Leila Tewahade and Chayton Bynes are the 2021 CHS Homecoming Queen and King!


Chadron High Homecoming Activities & Royalty (Oct. 18-22)


Attention, Cardinals! Homecoming is next week! CHS Student Council has worked hard to deliver the best Homecoming experience this year. Don't miss any of the fun festivities taking place from October 18th to the 22nd!

Homecoming Kick-Off/Burning of the C (Monday, Oct. 18 @ 6:00p)
