Chadron Middle School

551 East 6th Street
Chadron, Nebraska 69337
(308) 432-0708
(308) 432-0720

Daily School Schedule

Regular Dismissal

8:00AM - 3:18PM

1:30 Dismissal

8:00AM - 1:30PM

CMS Parents as Partners Meeting

Chadron Middle School will host the first of our monthly Parents as Partners meetings on August 27th at 6PM in the CMS Library.  This month, parents will be introduced to E+R=O, which is a concept that CMS students will learn about throughout the school year.  The slides that were used during the student learning sessions on 8/23 and 8/24 are below. We hope to see you on the 27th!

Classes on 8/20

CMS had another flood last night.  Two third floor, 5th grade classrooms, the band room and the girl's locker room were affected.  We will have a regular day of school today.  Mr. Calkins' and Mrs. Hinman's classes will rotate to unoccupied rooms throughout the day. All other classes will carry on as usual.

Thank you.

CMS Open House - 8/14 5:30-7:00

Students will get their 4-quarter schedule tonight at Open House and their daily, 1st quarter schedule tomorrow morning after our all school assembly. Student schedules can also be accessed on Infinite Campus.
Tonight, schedules will be located in the following places:5th grade - 3rd floor west hallway6th grade - 1st floor east hallway7th grade - 1st floor west hallway8th grade - 2nd floor west hallway
Please enter the school at the main, northeast entrance, get schedules, drop off supplies in lockers and enjoy the evening.

Dawes County Immunization Dates

Just a reminder that all students need to be updated on immunizations when they begin school. State law requires that students entering the 7th grade have an up-to-date physical and one dose of the immunization: Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis booster). To schedule an appointment at the Dawes County Immunization Clinic call (308) 432-8979.Dawes County Immunization Clinic Dates:
August 21st @ 11-3
September 4th @ 3-7
September 25th @ 12=4
October 16th @ 2-6
October 23rd @ 12-4
November 27th @ 12-4
December 4th @ 2-6

Parent Meeting and Open House Rescheduled

It is with regret that CMS must reschedule the Open House from August 9th to August 14th from 5:30-7:00.  There was a roof leak that flooded both bathrooms and two classrooms on the 3rd floor.  We are in the process of replacing carpets and repairing the bathrooms.  Students should bring all of their school supplies to the Open House on August 14th and they can put their supplies in their lockers at that time.  Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Summers and Mr. Dressel will be available to help students remember/find combinations and locker numbers.

CMS School Supply List

Parents,I've had some questions about the CMS school supply list. I recommend that you keep it pretty basic for the beginning of the school year and teachers will let you know specifics as we get into the groove of school. If you have any questions, please let me know.
All students need:
Paper (loose leaf and notebook)
6th-8th grade PE - Black shorts and white/gray shirt/socks/Sneakers that tie/towel/deodorant

Important Back-To-School Dates at CMS


Below is a list of important dates in August to be aware of.  If you have any questions, please call Mr. Dressel at 432-0708 or email him at [email protected].

August 9th

End of the Year Events at CMS

Below is a list of end-of-year dates and events that are planned at CMS. Please call 432-0708 if you have any questions.

May 8th
6 PM - 5th and 6th Grade Band Concert
7 PM - 7th-12th Grade Band Concert

May 9th - Roll up Day
12:50 - 8th graders go to CHS for Orientation
1:00 - 4th graders go to CMS for Orientation
1:00 - 1:30 - current 5th, 6th, and 7th graders roll up and meet new teachers at CMS

Student Anxiety Documentary at CSC

There will not be a Parents as Partners meeting on Monday, April 30th. Instead, parents are invited to attend a screening of the documentary "Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety". Screening are at 1 PM and 7 PM in Memorial Hall's Auditorium. Admission is free. To reserve seats, please call 308-432-6302 or email [email protected].
For more information go to:

2018-19 8th Grade Elective Application

Please click the link to access the 8th Grade Elective Application for next year. The deadline is May 4th.

Chadron Public Schools Activity Physical Information

Chadron Public School Sports/Extracurricular Activity Physicals
Any student that intends on participating in any sport or extracurricular activity for the 2018-19 school year must
have a current physical turned into the school.  Our Chadron Medical Clinic providers are giving an opportunity for
your student to get the physical done at school.

The High School Physicals are scheduled for Wednesday May 2, 2018 at 7am. (Students that are going to be entering the 10th - 12th grades, fall of 2018)

NASA INSIGHT 2018 Launch at Chadron Public Library

For Immediate Release [April 9, 2018]


POSTPONED - 4/3/18 7th/8th Track Meet in Scottsbluff/Gering

The MS track meet in Scottsbluff/Gering has been rescheduled for Monday, April 16th at 3:45 PM. Busses will leave at 12:30.

7th/8th Grade Track Meeting

7th and 8th graders who are interested in participating in Track, there will be a meeting on Friday, March 16th at 1:30 in the gym. Students are encouraged to attend the meeting, but attendance is not a mandatory condition for participation.  If you have questions about Chadron Middle School Track, please contact Coach Jamie McLain at [email protected].

March 14th Nationwide School Walkout

Dear Parents,

On March 14, 2018 at 10 AM, there is a nationwide, 17-minute voluntary school walkout to show solidarity with the
victims of school shootings. Chadron Public School (CPS) students who choose to participate in the walkout will be
allowed to do so and parents are more than welcomed to join their child.

CPS is not organizing the walkout; however, school staff will provide student supervision during the walkout and we will
ask students to gather in specific locations to ensure student safety.

Spring 2018 CMS Testing Schedule

Below is the spring testing schedule for Chadron Middle School. NSCAS (Nebraska Student Centered Accountability System) is the name of the new state test and it replaces NeSA. If you have any questions regarding the testing schedule, please contact Mr. Dressel at 432-0708 or [email protected].

AdvancED Parent Survey


AdvancED is a world-wide school accreditation body that focuses on school improvement for public, private and Department of Defense school. Chadron Public Schools is up for our 5-year review next year. Staff, student and parent perception data is a critical piece of data that we use to help focus our school improvement efforts. The team that will visit next year also considers these perception data when determining areas of strength and areas for development for the district.
