Chadron Primary School finished the year with many exciting events.  We celebrated our 2nd grade lunch room helpers along with students who returned their Reading for Runza calendars.  We also celebrated our PBIS collection of Cardinal Coupons with our end of year drawings and students raised money for our PBIS program and were able to Silly String Mrs. Mack and welcome our High School Cardinals Committed students on the last day of school.  We also wished some staff members farewell. What a fun ending to a fabulous year.  We hope everyone has a FABULOUS summer!

On Wednesday, May 15th students from Mrs. Hoffman's class enjoyed a yummy lunch from Runza! Mrs. Hoffman's class earned this party by having the most students turn in thier Read for Runza reading calendars every month. We want to give a special shout out to Runza for their colloraboration and support of this program and for their support and genorsity! 

These students participated in the Read for Runza reading program and turned in their reading calendars every month. Students were rewarded with a certificate and also a book donated by Runza. Read for Runza stats in October and runs through March. Every student is given a calendar at the beggining of each month. If the student returns it they are given a coupon for a free kids meal. We want to thank Runza for thier contribution to help promote reading and for supporting our students! Great Job kiddos!
Students who earned certificates and books are:
Tate D
Alice J
Joslyn S (not pictured)
1st Grade
Tinley L
Carson P
Bensyn G
Sterling S
Micah B
Khammie S
Alexa D
Kallen F
Zayley G
Ella R
Owen T
Deacon W
2nd Grade
Braylee H
Breckyn S
Payton B
Blair N
Aiden B
Bryar H
Anaya W
Reese W

2nd Grade Lunchroom Helpers

PBIS Celebration & Cardinal Coupon Drawing

High School Cardinals Committed Students Helping With our Last Day of School Activities

Silly String the Principal
Saying farewell and Best Wishes to some Amazing Staff Members
