Chadron Primary School

732 Ann Street
Chadron, Nebraska 69337
(308) 432-0710
(308) 432-6985

Daily School Schedule

Regular Dismissal

8:00AM - 3:15PM

1:30 Dismissal

8:00AM - 1:30PM

We LOVE Public Schools and We LOVE our People

Our people make the difference and relationships are at the top of our list for making a difference in a child's life.  Whether it is connecting with our students or connecting with one another, we get it done!  A HUGE shout out to all of our educators who "Feel the Love for Public Schools" and Feel the Love for our students!

Thank You Consuming Fire

Chadron Primary would like to thank Donna Gimeson and Consuming Fire School of Dance, Gymnastics, and Fitness for donating water bottles for our students.  We greatly appreciate all of the community support that is shown to our public schools and this is another example of our community members and schools working together.  Thank you again!

More Visitors to the Nest

We were delighted to have members from our high school Cardinals Committed group join us for lunch again.  While our students get so excited about the students visiting, I know our high school students get equally excited to share lunch with our little birds.  These high school students set wonderful examples of behavior and dedication to academics and extracurricular activities and we are so proud to have our students look up to them.  Once again we wish our big birds best of luck on your activities!

Parent Information Night

Please join us for our Parent Information Night where we will cover a variety of topics including our Cardinal Rules, our Title 1 Compact, safety and security procedures, our ACES positive behavior program, and several other items.  We will have sign-in tables for each grade level and have a presentation in the gym for families prior to having parents visit the classrooms.  In classrooms parents will get a preview of how each individual classroom works.  

Lockdown Drill

On Monday, September 10th at 8:30 a.m. Chadron Primary will be conducting our first Lockdown Drill. Principal Uhing has been reading our safety book I'm Not Scared...I'm Prepared to every classroom to teach and review what we do in the event of an actual Lockdown emergency and teachers have been reviewing our safe escape places. We encourage you to visit with your children about what to do in an emergency of this nature.

Busy Days

Chadron Primary School students have been busy within these first two weeks of school.  Students have been reviewing our three Cardinal Rules: 1)Be Safe, 2)Be Respectful, and 3)Be Responsible.  We are learning procedures for classrooms as well as safety procedures.  Students participated in a bus evacuation drill as well as a fire drill this week and Principal Uhing will be reading a safety book that promotes Avoid, Deny, and Defend as we have lockdown drills scheduled for the upcoming month.  Students have been exploring the spaces they may evacuate to in case of emergency evacuations so p

Parents - Please Read

One of the most important jobs we have as educators is to keep our babies safe.  The Nebraska Department of Education has adopted a Safety and Security Protocol.  Chadron Public Schools has incorporated a Standard Response Protocol for each of our buildings and we would like you to familiarize yourself with what will be presented to your children.  All students K-12 are taught to be proactive in safety and security situations so please visit with your children about what they have learned and how this is a lifelong skill.  If you have any questions about what is taught, please feel free to

Verizon - Wireless World - Backpack Give Away

There are 52 available and backpacks must be given to students - parents may not pick up alone.

Chadron Community Hospital (CCH) Dietary Drawing Contest Winners

Sadie Chesley, age 8, Mayci Sprock, age 7, and Kayden Kvistad, age 8, are our Dietary Drawing contest winners!  To celebrate National Nutrition Month in March the dietary department at CCH&HS decided to hold a drawing contest for the students at the Chadron Primary School.  Students were asked to draw themselves enjoying their favorite healthy food and show us how it made them feel.  Three winners were sele

2018 Graduates Visit Chadron Primary School

Chadron Primary School welcomed the 2018 graduates as they walked the halls in caps and gowns to celebrate their success.  The graduates carried pennants that expressed their plans: military/workforce/ higher education... Our littlest birds lined the hallways and gave them signs along with chanting C-H-S!  We wish our graduates the best of luck in their future endeavors and hope they visit the nest to share of their adventures!  CONGRATULATIONS Class of 2018!!

Happy Retirement Ms. Charla!!

It is always so hard to say good-bye...  Ms. Charla will be retiring at the end of this year and not only does she do an amazing job of keeping our building so clean, she also takes the time to offer hugs and encouragement to our littlest birds.  We are so excited for your new adventures Ms. Charla, but we will miss you dearly!!!

Meet the Newest Member of our Chadron Primary Family

We would like to introduce everyone to the newest member of the Chadron Primary Family...  Mrs. Bounous had a healthy baby boy and we are so excited to have them visit the nest!  Congratulations to Mrs. Bounous and her entire family!

Cardinals of the Month - April

These students were chosen by their teachers as wonderful examples of students who follow the Cardinal Rules of 1) Be Safe, 2) Be Respectful, and 3) Be Responsible so they were treated to a breakfast with Ms. Uhing.  They have been chosen by their teachers as Cardinals of the Month because they are great leaders within their classrooms. It is always so much fun to visit with and enjoy the company of these outstanding students.  Way to go kiddos and thank you for making such good choices!!

2nd Grade Field Trip to Mount Rushmore

On Friday, April 27th the second grade classes ventured to Mount Rushmore.  They were able to participate in a Ranger talk, walk on the hiking trail, and get sworn in as Junior Rangers.  The students had a GREAT time and we were so proud of our well behaved children.  We look forward to future opportunities for our students and want to thank all of the parents who joined us for this day!
